
Ragazza si spalma il sangue mestruale sul viso: ecco perché lo fa

Ragazza viso sangue ciclo
Foto Instagram: demetra_nyx
Ragazza viso sangue ciclo
Foto Instagram: demetra_nyx

In queste ultime settimane si parla molto di Demetra Nyx, una ragazza americana di 28 anni che potremmo definire una influencer molto sui generis. La giovane che trova un discreto seguito su Instagram, anche se non le mancano i detrattori, ogni 28 giorni al posto di una maschera di bellezza tradizionale si impiastriccia il viso col proprio sangue mestruale. Quindi si riprende mentre lo fa con un video, oppure si scatta una foto.

La 28enne ha spiegato che il suo è un gesto rivendicativo e dimostrativo che ha un preciso scopo. “Rivendicando qualcosa che storicamente è sempre stato visto come sporco e disgustoso lo facciamo sembrare pulito e bello, riprendiamo il potere sul nostro corpo”.

Insomma si tratta di una contestazione provocatoria contro i modelli di bellezza imposti dalla società. Ne condividete il mezzo e il fine? Ritenete che l’emancipazione femminile possa passare anche per atti di questo tipo?

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Everybody has been lying to you They have been pretending they have life figured out. They have been pretending that they do not have pain, that their pain does not bother them They’ve been pretending they like their jobs They have been pretending that they know what god is. They have been pretending that religion and adherence to its books hasn’t caused a fucked up way of relating to the world and to people and women. They have been pretending that society is fine, that it’s functioning well. They’ve been pretending the planet is not warming and that the environment will be okay. They’ve been pretending that they do not have desires, that some deep part of them does not long for wildness. They’ve been pretending that our bodies don’t belong to us. That we need to look a certain way, and act in certain ways, to belong. That our bodies in their natural form are wrong. They’ve been pretending that human beings were not designed for pleasure, for connection with nature, for time spent purely being. They have been pretending so much…because they’re afraid of what it would mean if they dropped their guards and did not pretend any longer. It would turn their worlds upside down. Some do not even know they still are. You do not have to pretend any longer. In fact, the world and probably the existence of humanity depends on you not pretending any longer. Speak your truth. Give yourself pleasure and give yourself power. Claim your unbrokenness. And scream it from the fucking rooftops

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